Catherine Thomas holds a B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education, a B.F.A.and M.F.A., and began her PHD in Art Education for Special Needs. In graduate school, she worked with deaf, blind, and autistic children. Upon realizing the importance of movement as a catalyst for learning, she changed her focus towards kinesiology and movement for rehabilitation. In the early 1970’s she was introduced to the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, as she continued to work with special needs children and adults. She has been in practice and ongoing training in various neurological Movement Methodologies for thirty years. As a Practitioner, Teacher and Educator who has worked with Medical professionals for over twenty years, Cate develops and teaches group programs, and offers private Lessons and coaching sessions. Her focus is on the application of the Method in support of medical situations, with interest in infants, children, seniors, high performers(dancers, musicians, vitality) and athletes. Cate also works with special needs cases of all ages to ensure progress where there had been difficulty or little hope, and her work is of great value where learning is heightened for a more functional and meaningful life.
Visit the Classes and Workshops page for information on classes and the intake forms section for private lessons
You should start posting teleseminars. Get your client list together and offer them orally and as transcripts (yes, charge for this, and I’ll do the transcripts for a reasonable fee). Then, do an ebook. You’re qualified. Just my opinion 🙂
Also, if you have the money for it, you could probably use a little SEO so that you get ranked on google as an educator of special needs. It’s a hot topic these days.
I have been browsing your web-site Cate and loved it. I have found it informitive and belive it supports your effort to communicate with the public. There is a lot of matterial here so it will take me some time to digest, but I shall take that time and get back to you with any insight I have. Right now I will just enjoy your insight.
Best regards,
Larry -
Great meeting you! Love your site.
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